Abundance. Bliss. Community. 


We are grateful you are here! We are Jon and Amanda Ellis of The Everyday Ellises! We risked it all purchasing a duplex and moving 6 hours away from Jon's fire department job. Home is now the serene coast of Ventura where we live with our two kiddos. We are modern learners here to grow alongside this community. We are navigating life as Jon continues to work his W2 job, we branch out more into real estate and investment options, and explore entrepreneurship. Next up we will be diving into homeschooling our two children as they approach preschool age! We are here to connect community, explore various ways to live a life of bliss, and savor the abundance. Join The Everyday Ellises as we flow through life together. 

With Humble Gratitude,

The Everyday Ellises

Jon and Amanda chat buying their first home. We renovated for 4.5 months while pregnant up until baby boy arrived. We chat house hacking, grit, hard moments, and more. 

Jon and Amanda chat raising kids: with technology, showing affection and more.

In this episode we chat how do we teach our children self love when we might be struggling with showing ourselves love as parents. 

In this episode Jon and Amanda chat abandonment issues, sleep deprivation, and reflect upon early times as new parents wondering questions like can we spoil a baby and will my baby ever stop crying?